Happy Mother's Day!
I hope all the moms and expecting moms had a great mother's day.
Congratulations Thi and Will!
Useless Comic News:
This weekend was the Ottawa ComicCon. Ben, Hong-Ming, and myself went on Saturday. We got there at 10:30am and there was a HUGE snaking line to get in. When we thought we were getting close to the entrance when we discovered the line snaked behind the building! We waited over 1.5hrs in line under the sun. I got sunburned abit on my face.
Right before we got in, these girls were standing by the entrance. Their sign made me laugh. Maybe I'll modify it to say Fongpay later :)
Lots of people inside and lots going on.
Big Crowds. |
Marina Sirtis and Brent Spiner signings (and others).
Marina Sirtis |
Brent Spiner |
Star Wars "Ben" action figure. Not worth much because he's been taken out of the plastic :)
There was lots of cosplay. The Hulk was the best one.
Hulk. |
Jean Grey. |
Beetlejuice. |
Lara Croft. |
Master Chief. |
Optimus Prime. |
Darth Sidious. |
Zatana. |
White Spy and Sailor Moon. |
Vash (I think?) |
R2-D2. |
Sand Trooper, Master Chief, and Klingon. |
Useless ComicCon Loot:
I got John de Lancie's (aka
"Q") and Brent Spiner's (aka
"Data") autographs. Didn't get William Shatner's as he was charging $75 for his.
Q and Data's autograph |
Brent Spiner was really cool. He chatted with everyone who got his autograph. He also signed my picture twice, one for each Data in the pic :)
Got some prints from Allie Laberge (Animated Batgirl and Sailor Scouts)
Neil Adams (CBC NHL Heroes MTL Canadiens and Joker/Batman),
Can you see both Joker and Batman in the pic? |
and Shane Kirshenblatt (Batman villians lineup)
Food this weekend -> Hockey Sushi
I went to Hockey Sushi after ComicCon by myself. I wasn't very hungry but I had a coupon for the free meal to use. What I didn't know in the small print, that you can't use the coupon unless there are 2 people eating! Since I wasn't very hungry I only made 1 order for sushi and 1 order for dessert, and I had to pay full price! That SwarmJam coupon was not worth it. Anyone want to go to Hockey Sushi with me to use up the coupon this week?