Food this weekend ->
Potluck and games night at Jeff & Linda's place. Linda's sisters were visiting: Elizabeth, Cindy, and Margaret.
Ben made soup with nappa, shitake mushrooms, devil tongue knots, and tofu. The soup base was dashi, chicken ramen powder, and sriracha. Good soup... but it seems very similar for some reason.
Ben's Soup. |
Linda and Jeff made sheperd's pie. It was good and filling.
Sheperd's Pie. |
Linda also made fudge brownies and squash filled with egg & bacon bits. Cindy made vegetables and baked BBQ pork buns (no pic). I made chicken drumsticks marinated in maple teriyaki sauce. It was sweet and savoury. (BTW: I spilt alot of the teriyaki sauce in my trunk during transport. It made a huge mess. Glad most of it was on my tarp and in my collapsible box.)
Potluck Food. |
To Cindy's disappointment, there was no rice to go with my sweet chicken ;)
Useless Gaming News:
Played lot of games during the pot luck: Tumbling Dice, Roll For It, Guillotine, Sushi Go Party, Telestrations, and Deception. No pics. I forgot because I kept blowing my nose. See why below. Man, some of the Telestrations drawings by Jeff and Cindy... hard to figure out :)
Gordon, Ben, Brian and I also played games Friday night. We played Dr.Who, Code of Nine, JeJu Island, and Roll For It.
Dr.Who isn't that great (no pic). I don't see us playing it again.
Code of Nine is an excellent game. It's a worker placement game where the game scoring rules change every game depending on which "memory" cards are drawn by each player. Each player only knows their own memories (scoring rules) and you need to use actions to discover the other players memories (ie You might start collecting something that is worth negative points). I think this game is fun and might get this game too.
Code of Nine. |
4-player JeJu Island was fun. I kind of want to pick up this game too. It's so simple yet strategic.
JeJu Island. |
Useless Medicine News:
I used Steve's recommended "Tylenol Complete" for most of the weekend. It works alittle bit, but really... it doesn't work. My nose was block or running most of the time it was suppose to be in effect. It really wasn't working at all during the potluck. On Sunday I had to go out and buy Advil Cold and Sinus. That stuff works and works fast.