Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stupid Shark Movies.

Super busy day today.  Was planning to go to the new Mr.Chopsticks for lunch to try them out, but couldn't.  It's beside Hockey Sushi.  Don't know if they're any good yet.
They claim they have Japanese Ramen: O15 BBQ Pork Ramen on page 7.  Picture is on page 6.  It looks like what Ben and I ate in Odaiba Tokyo.  If they truely have this, it should be really good, but it's a really big IF.

Useless TV News:
I watched some "Sharknado" last week.  It's the stupidest movie.  I can't unwatch it!  Why is this movie so popular on TV and Twitter?  This week was Sharktopus (half-shark and half-octopus)!  Apparently the Shartopus is bulletproof.  This was sooo stupid that I couldn't stop watching!  Next week is 2-headed Shark Attack.

Useless M:tG News:
Anyone want to bid on my Foil Tarmgoyf from Future Sight?  It's only at $4.25.  Oops, wrong decimal spot.  It's only at $425.00!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I just love those stupid movies about mutants, sharks, maniacs, ghosts etc. :) On my blog i recommend such productions - more stupid is better. Terrible thing is, that they are still broadcasted in TV...
