Lunch today -> Sobey's Pepperoni Pizza.
Picked up a "Family Sized Pepperoni Pizza" for lunch today and split a couple of slices with Steve. It was better to pay $6.99 for the whole pizza, than $1.99 a slice.
It tasted OK. Nothing special. It was good enough for $6.99, but probably won't get it again because Willy's Pizza is right across the street, and is WAY better.

^ Sobey's Pizza.
Dinner today -> 168 Sushi Buffet.
Went out for my birthday dinner with the family! We went to the new 168 Sushi on Merivale.

^ 168 Sushi Japan Buffet.
For the price of dinner, I was kind of disappointed with the selection. The service was really fast, but the food wasn't worth it. We should have just gone to Hockey Sushi. It's pretty much the same menu, but at a more reasonable price. But I and everyone reading this wouldn't have known until someone went there at least once.

^ 168 Sushi Dishes.
(I forgot to take the pics until after some of the pieces were eaten.)

^ Tempura Banana for Dessert.
The tempura banana was really good.
Boycotting Merivale BestBuy News:Ben, Susanna and I went to BestBuy on Merivale after dinner.
Susanna bought a Wii, but the idiot punk of an employee who sold it to us was so rude and stupid! He said, "There is no point in buying a Wii. You know the Wii U is coming out soon, and that makes the Wii useless". I told him the Wii U was not coming out soon. There is no release date, and it most likely be out around Christmas 2012.
He then goes on about the speech about the 3 yr warranty for $80, and that BestBuy will help find parts for the Wii when Nintendo stops supporting the Wii. Doesn't this punk know anyone can go online and order parts/accessories for the Wii from other places than Nintendo or BestBuy? He seemed dumbfounded that I didn't want the warranty.
After paying, he then said "Enjoy your out of date system" as we were leaving.
Unbelievable! Does he not have any manners or know how to make sales!?!?
We are returning the Wii back to Merivale this weekend and getting it from Kanata. Reason: Stupid and rude employee.
If Susanna didn't have the receipt with her, I would state this dork's name.