Sunday, September 16, 2012

Weekend Report: Cheap DVDs

I bumped in to Ben at Sobey's in Stittsville Sunday morning and we went to the Flea Market afterwards.  I got some Cherry Jam, some NES games for $5 each, and a bunch of DVDs for only $2 each!  I mostly got the DVDs that I haven't seen yet.
$2 DVDs and $5 NES Games.

Food this weekend ->
Salmon and avocados are on sale this week.  That means sushi :). 
I made Salmon rolls Friday night.
Salmon Rolls.

I made Salmon Avocado rolls Saturday night.
Salmon Avocado Rolls.

Made my Black Pepper Spaghetti with Mushrooms and Oktoberfest Sausages Sunday night.
Black Pepper Spaghetti with Mushrooms and Sausage.

Useless Transformers News:
Picked up the new Transformers Bot Shots Wave 3 from the old Kanata Walmart.  The new Kanata Walmart is disappointing.  It doesn't get any of the new stuff.  No new Transformers or TMNT figs.
Bot Shots Wave 3.

Useless Idol Info:
AKB48 29th Single Janken Tournament is on Tueday Sept 18 at 19:00 JST (6am EST).  It'll be streamed aired live on KayouKyoku (TBS - Use KeyHoleTV to stream Japanese TV channels).  Sasshi will be MC as she didn't qualify in the HKT48 preliminary tournament. 
Kojima Haruna needs to make Senbatsu (top 16) to maintain the only member to be in every AKB48 single.
I'm hoping for Kasai to win center :)

I got a couple of packages in the mail on Friday:
AKB0048 Series 2 Keychains.  The set includes Itano Tomomi, Kashiwagi Yuki, Oshima Yuko, Mimori, and Chieri.  I completed 3 sets with extras.  I hung an extra Yuko on my iPhone.
AKB0048 Series 2 Keychains.

I also got the AKB48 Saitama Super Arena Concert DVD box.  It's 7 discs!!  It's the concert where Maeda announced her graduation.  I got Mariko, Mocchi, Kasai, Ucchi, and Paruru photos inside.
I had a headache all day Saturday, so I didn't get a chance to watch any of it yet.  I think the headache was from not getting enough sleep because I was playing Diablo 3 til 4am Friday night :)


  1. where did you buy those keychains?

  2. I pre-ordered the AKB0048 keychains from "Hobby Link Japan", but they don't have any more. I've seen some individual ones on eBay.
