Went to T&T with Susanna because we were hungry and didn't want to cook dinner. We bought a pile of food, including a couple of large fried Salmon Heads. They were pretty good with decent amount of meat on them. Later that night, I woke up with a really bad stomach ache. Susanna texted me Sat morning that she threw up all night. I think we both had food poisoning :(
Stayed home most of the day, recovering from lack of sleep and watching anime. I finished watching the rest of Code Geass R2. This anime is so good! So many twists and cool mecha battles.
Downloaded Storm8's new app. It's called Farm Story. I'm playing that game alot now. It's so addicting.
Dinner today -> Chow Mein with Beef Flank and Diakon.
Basically separate dishes from T&T and I mixed them together and re-fried them.
^ Chow Mein with Beef Flank and Daikon.
Dinner today -> Spaghetti and Meatballs.
I made the meatballs by mixing both beef and pork together, added seasoning and wasabi, and then stuffed a quail egg in the middle. Fried them up and boiled them in tomato sauce. Good stuff :)
^ Spaghetti with Quail Egg Stuffed Beef & Pork Meatballs.
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