Went to this Persian Restaurant with the Kanata SQA group today. The place is called "Shekarchi Restaurant" (398 Kent St.) and right across the street from my grandparent's apartment! The food was really good. The place is an expansion from LA.
I got the Settlers of Catan app for my iPhone. I'm playing it so much. It's only the original game, with no expansions like "Cities and Knights". It's still fun. The computer players play very differently than I do. Some like to go after Ports, others build tons of roads, while others buy alot of Development Cards.
I bought a nice section of a large head fish for dinner. I steamed it in soy sauce, cooked oil, oyster sauce, and some green onions.
^ Steamed Fish Before.
After 15 minutes, I scooped some fish roe on it and steamed it for another 10 mins.
^ Steamed Fish After.
Man it was good :) I should have bought a 2nd chunk of the fish.
I had to go into work to close a whole bunch of Actions for a project, because I found out Friday at 4pm, that some documents are due to be released on Tuesday. Took me about 4 hrs to close most of the actions, but it was a waste of my Sunday afternoon.
Got take-out from Burger King Kanata for dinner today. This must be the slowest Burger King in the world! It must have taken them 20 minutes to make my Whopper Combo! Also, they didn't have any Iced Tea left in the dispenser, so I got a Coke. The Coke tasted minty, so I didn't drink it. I should have went to Subway.
Got these cookies from T&T. They are imported from Japan. A bunch of different flavoured cookies in the box, and individually wrapped in pairs. I tried the coconut and honey one. They are pretty good.
^ Japanese Cookies. Delicate and tasty.
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