Post New Year's Potluck at Jeff and Linda's house. I made BBQ Korean Short Ribs. After eating, we played some Cranium and Taboo. When most of the guests left; Ben, Anthony, Jeff and I stay til about 3am playing Settlers of Catan.

^ Potluck Food.
Gordon and Ben came over for a few hours to play Magic. I lost every game. I guess that's to be expected when I have uber-powerful combo decks :) They had to team-up against me, to defeat me :)
Afterwards, Susanna and I went to T&T. I got some marinated "Scallop Skirts". It's the part that is around the circular scallop meat that is usually cut off during preparation. It's actually really good.
Also got a pre-made Vietnamese noodle meal and duck livers. The pre-made meal was only OK. Don't think I would get it again. But the duck liver was really good.

^ Vietnamese Noodles.
Spent the last few days of the holidays playing Dragon Age: Origins. I can't believe how huge this game is! The Ozammar part is huge! I'm about 120hrs in to it and only 38% explored. My main character is only level 18 too.
Made Ramen with Shrimp Wontons for dinner today. Added an Marinated Egg in the end. Good stuff.
^ Ramen with Shrimp Wontons and Marinated Egg.
Got to go back to work tomorrow. It'll be tough. My sleep pattern is completely messed up. I'm normally awake til 3:30-4:00am and I wake-up around 11am.
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