Made more wings for dinner tonight. Mixed them in my home-made hot sauce. Ate them Egg Bread and some Greek Yogurt. I saw the Greek Yogurt in the store and was inspired by Peter eating it everyday, so I had to try it out. Thicker than normal yogurt, but not bad stuff. Goes well with the hot wings.
^ Hot Wings, Egg Bread, and Greek Yogurt.
Found out today that in Tokyo a new Karaoke Bar is opening. The bar is modeled after Luida's Bar in Dragon Quest (aka Dragon Warrior in N.America)! Pics here. Neat idea, but I've never played Dragon Warrior on the NES... though I'm still tempted to go and check it out.
Went to T&T early in the morning. Not as many people there as I expected on a Saturday morning. I didn't have to wait in line for cooked food. Got some cooked Chow-mein Noodles and Pork Belly for lunch there. The pork belly was really good. Also picked up some Portuguese egg tarts. Fresh out of the oven ones too! I didn't forget them in my car trunk this time either.
Will and Thi were in OTT this weekend for family business. They dropped by in the afternoon to hangout in my basement and watch MTL lose to OTT in OT :(. I finally got to give them their Christmas presents, and they brought me a coffee mug with a work excuse on it.
^ Coffee Mug.
I lost cable and internet Saturday night at 12:30am. I got TV back in the morning, but didn't get internet access back til 4:30pm today. It was really annoying. Did anyone else lose it from Rogers?
Steamed Large Head Fish for lunch. This must be the only fish I like cooked well done. Prepared it with cooked oil, soy sauce, fish roe, and green onions. So good.
^ Steamed Large Head Fish.
For dinner I made Beef with Chines Greens on Rice. I added the leftover fish sauce from lunch into the sauce for the Beef and Greens. Not bad, but gave it a little fishy aftertaste; but I didn't mind it. Still tasted good. Made a big batch so I can have it for lunch on Monday too.
^ Beef and Chinese Greens on Rice.