^ Black Pepper Spaghetti with BBQ Pork.
I was up really late last night. Up til 2am. I was watching "Cool Japan" on NHK (Roger's TV Japan channel). It's normally on at 11:15pm, but it got pushed back to 1:15am because of the Live Sumo Tournament.
FYI: Morning Musume are invited as the special guest to the Sumo Tournament Finals on Dec 5. Maybe I'll see them perform live on NHK.
Yesterday's "Cool Japan" episode was about Japanese packaging. They talked about how advance the packaging in Japan is compared to the rest of the world and how some of the packaging is "overkill".
The really cool packaging was the "Glico Pucchin Pudding". The pudding comes with caramel on the bottom of the cup. It is normally served with the caramel on the top. To achieve this, there is a tab on the bottom of the container that you break to allow air to go in and allow the pudding to slide out (Gavin/Emi did you know about this?). See the video below. I'm going to try and find some Glico Pudding at T&T next time I'm there. It's such an ingenious idea, that some company should bring it over here. (Can you tell I'm fascinated by this design?)
^ Glico Pucchin Pudding released!
The overkill packaging they were talking about on Cool Japan, was that you can buy a package of gum wrappers (the Juicy Fruit sized wrappers). The wrappers are for when your done chewing your gum, you use the wrappers to wrap it, and throw it away. I can't believe people actually buy that!
Useless Japan Info:
Tommy Lee Jones filming his newest "Boss Coffee" Commercial. He is the face of Boss Coffee. The coffee is pretty good too. If I recall correctly, it tastes similar, if not better, than Tim Horton's double double. If your ever in Japan, you should try it, hot or cold, from the vending machines.
^ Tommy Lee Jones filming Boss Coffee commercial.
T-minus 19 days til Gavin's and Emi's baby is born!