Halloween Party at CMC on Friday at lunch time. Employee's moral were low, so not alot of people were in the mood for Halloween. Still, there was a decent gathering of people, costumed and non-costumed. We played Urban Myths and ate lots of free chocolate.
Tifenn won 1st place in Costume Contest. She was dress up as HFE Chris. She looked just like him. I even voted for her, instead of myself :)
I actually won 2nd place dressed as Super Mario. Pic to follow when I get it next week.
Went to the new T&T Supermarket Friday night with Susanna and my parents. The place was packed, and the lines were extremely long for ordering cooked food and for the butcher. We found Gordon shopping there too.
I bought mostly snack and frozen foods. I found some "Bugles" corn snacks! I thought they had stopped producing them. It was ranked the #1 worst junk food you can eat, a couple years ago. For that reason alone, I had to buy some :)
^ Bugles (original and nacho cheese flavour)
I combined and split the grocery bill with my parents so I could get both free gifts: set of tea cups and set of bowls. They look alright and were made in Japan.
Bumped into Thu on the way out. She and her family were waiting in line to get into the store. She was planning on buying some black chicken (aka Silkie).
Went to Comic Book Shoppe in the morning and picked up some manga and Magic cards. Got the limited "Garruk vs Liliana" Duel Deck, and picked up an extra deck for Ben. The deck is worth it just for Garruk.
^ Duel Deck: Garruk vs Liliana
Made Spaghetti with Meat Sauce for lunch/dinner. Added large mushroom chunks into the sauce.
^ Lots of ground beef and mushrooms in the sauce. Key is to add sour cream into the sauce.
Halloween night wasn't very busy. I turned on the porch light at 5:30pm and turned it off at 8:45pm. Had a grand total of 5 Trick-or-Treaters (4 Witches and 1 Harry Potter or Steve Urkle? I'm not sure).

^ The little Trick-or-Treater looked like Steve Urkle.
Picked up TF:Animated Shockwave from Walmart. He's pretty cool. Transforms from Autobot Longarm to Decepticon Shockwave. I saw Animated Skywarp there too, but I didn't want to pick him up. I'll wait for him to go on sale. I'm only looking for Animated Wreckgar now.
^ Autobot Longarm
^ Decepticon Shockwave
Emi sent me this link to the whole show of Music Station on 2009-10-30. AKB48 is up 1st to perform.
Morning Musume's "Kimagure Princess" debuted at #5 on the Single Rankings (to my surprise at getting that high). AKB48's RIVER dropped to #3 during it's 2nd week.
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