^ Large Bowl of Spaghetti & Meat Sauce.
Nom nom nom...
(time lapse: 10 minutes later)
... nom nom nom.
^ Large Bowl.
I got a package in the mail today from CDJapan. It's my AKB48 2010 Weekly Calendar.
^ AKB48 2010 Weekly Calendar Box.
Inside the calendar box includes a envelope containing 5 random photos. While opening the envelope, I was hoping to get Yuko or Kasai or both or an autograph photo or at least a "front girl".
^ AKB48 2010 Weekly Calendar and 5 photos.
No Yuko or Kasai. I did get 2 Takahashi Minami (aka Takamina) photos. She one of the girls I favor and also a major "front girl". She's Captain of Team A, which also means she's Captain of all of AKB48.
The other 3 girls... meh. I don't know their names. They're newer members. 1 is on Team K, 1 on Team B, and 1 is a Research Student (training to join AKB48).
(FYI: Takamina calendar photos already go for at least $10 each)
Also had this AKB48 song stuck in my head all day: Iiwake Maybe. It's the single released before RIVER and I like it more than RIVER. It's more catchy. (BTW: Most of the girls in the video are "front girls".)
^ AKB48 "Iiwake Maybe" (Youtube rip and abit loud).
Hey Will. If your reading this, call me back at home this week in the evenings. Your not picking up your phone when I call you.
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