I'm ready to chow down on some Rideau tonight.
nuff' said ^_^
more later...
Went to Rideau with Jeff, Linda, Everett, and Ben for Jeff's Birthday Dinner. Naeem couldn't make out tonight. Dinner was tasty. We ordered a whole steamed Fish, Chinese Veggies, Tofu Hotpot, Schezwan Beef, and Singapore Style Noodles.
^ Rideau Dinner Dishes.
Afterwards we headed back to Jeff's house for dessert and some board games. Nehal joined us for some gaming too.
Linda made a Tiramisu Cake. It was really good. I usually don't make desserts, but I may need to steal this recipe and try to make this one :)
^ Linda's Tiramisu
We played some Ticket To Ride and Bohnanza. Both are great games.
Ticket To Ride is board game where players build train routes to connect cities. Really fun and takes some luck and strategy. But for some reason, Jeff always seems to win.
^ Ticket To Ridge Results: 1st = Jeff; 2nd = Andy; 3rd = Nehal; last = Ben.
Bohnanza is a card game where players are bean farmers and try to make as much money as they can by trading and planting beans. Another fun game people should try.
(no pic) Bohnanza Results: 1st = Andy, Ben, Nehal (all tied at 17 coins); last = Jeff (15 coins)
Mail Watch:
Still no Super Mario Wii in the mail today.
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