Played alot of 3 player Magic Friday night with Gordon and Ben. We played regular Magic and then some games with Planechase. My upgraded soldier deck is really powerful. I pulled off a Captain of the Watch + Clone + Clone combo to crush Ben and Gordon at the same time. (Gavin beware)
The Planechase games were fun too. Lots of randomness and hilarity when using the planes.
Was planning on making a big pot of Beef Stew on Saturday, but couldn't find any marrow filled Soup Bones at Farmboy to give it the awesome flavour. So I converted the Beef Stew into Beef Curry. The curry I used was imported from Osaka, Japan. It was really yummy :) It should taste even better on Sunday, when the flavours soak in.
^ Osaka Beef Curry on Rice
^ Dessert was Moon Cake
Wrapped some big Green Wontons Sunday morning, but I kind of ruined them with holes. You know, its the kind of wonton that you blow your nose so hard, that it blows through the tissue. :) I'm sure some readers have experienced this problem. LOL (no pics, not even if requested)
My dad came over and helped me put up some cabinets in the garage. The cabinets are from my parent's old kitchen.
^ 3 re-used kitchen cabinets
AKB48's new single: RIVER, hit the charts at #1 on 2009/10/23 showing of "Music Station". Music Station is THE top music show in Japan. AKB48 are listed to perform as guests on next week's Music Station. TV Japan, on Rogers TV, only shows every other Music Station episode (and is about 1 month behind), so I hope I get that episode.
BTW: Stefano... ahem... $20 :)
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