^ New Tampa Bay Lightning Logo and Jerseys.
(Credit to NHL.com)
I think I prefer the current one over the new one. The new one looks like what you get when The Flash and the Toronto Maple Leafs Jersey collide. LOL
Dinner today -> Leftover Osaka Beef Curry.
I think I made too much curry. I still have enough left for lunch and dinner tomorrow...
^ Leftover Osaka Beef Curry.
Useless Japan News:
Japan beat Australia in soccer to win the 2011 Asia Cup over the weekend. The winning goal was scored by Tadanari Lee.

^ Lee's Victory Pose.
(Credit to Japan Probe)
I'm not a soccer fan, but his pose reminded me of P.K. Subban's recent "Archery" pose, that he got some flack over.

^ P.K Subban's Pose.
I think PK did it better :)