Dinner today -> 100% Duck Sausages and Peas.
The 100% Duck Sausages were from Bearbrook Farms. It tastes like normal sausages too me. Not worth the money I spent on it.
^ Duck Sausages and Peas.
More Magic gaming today. Only 3 players tonight.

^ Friday Night Magic.
Got a few wins in tonight, but the best was when I pulled off 2 Rite of Replication with Kicker, targeting Gavin's Lightning Angel :)

^ 10 3/4 Lightning Angel tokens and a 3/3 Elephant token for the win.
Note: Ben is becoming a sore loser when we game recently. If things don't go his way, he starts whining about it. Ben, SUCK IT UP!!!
Went to Toys R Us in the morning to get a Baby Shower gift, before Stefano's BBQ/ Tanya's Baby Shower. I got a gift, and I ended up getting a ton of Transformers for myself :)
^ New Transformers: WFC Prime and Bumblebee, Drift, Thrust, and SeaSpray.
I'm really impressed with SeaSpray. Super articulated and poseable, with a cool looking robot mode.
Stefano hosted an excellent Baby Shower for Tanya and Tyler. He was volun-told to have it :P.
The BBQ food was good, and the many desserts were awesome. I tried 1 of everything, and took a doggie-plate full of dessert home.

^ Desserts.
Broke out my deep fryer today. I've been marinating chicken wings for the past 3 days in a Japanese Hot Pot Stock. It's got a slightly sweat, soy sauce and miso type flavour. The plain wings tasted great marinated in this.
For 1 batch, I tossed it in a garlic butter and maple syrup mix. Yummy stuff.
^ Garlic Maple Wings.
I tried making something new: Deep Fried Onion Blossom.
Partially cut a red onion and soaked it abit of salt water before flouring and deep frying to make the Onion Blossom.
It turned out pretty well. I didn't keep the red onion in the fryer long enough, as the center wasn't caramelized. I think I needed more flour between the sections/"petals" to make it more crispy too. The outer "petals" were tastier when dipped it in Wafu sauce.
^Deep Fried Red Onion -> "Onion Blossom".
Oooo... so pretty... almost too pretty to eat... almost.
Dinner today -> Marinated Wings and Onion Blossom.
^ Marinated Wings and Onion Blossom.
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