We tried out abunch of different kinds of garlic samples. Some of the kinds were pretty spicy. Ben and I like the "genki" garlic variation, but we didn't see any for sale. Only the samples were available.
I got an elk and garlic sausage from the Elk Farm booth. It's $12 for a huge sausage.

^ Elk and Garlic Sausage.
Tastes pretty good, but I think it could use more garlic...
I also got some sweet local corn, but I don't remember the type. Freshly picked corn tastes so much better than from the store.
^ Steamed Fresh Corn.
Lunch Sunday -> Salad.
Made a fresh salad using the sausage and corn from the Garlic Festival. It was tasty, but it lacked some tomatoes.
^ Salad with fresh corn and elk sausage.
Useless Transformers News:
Finally some new Transformers are out. I picked up the new Power Core Transformers. I didn't think these were that good when I first saw them, but the transform design is actually pretty good. Each Transformer has an alternate head to be used when forming the body to combine with the drone transformers. Neat idea. The mini-cons I can do with out.

^ Power Core Transformers.
Gordon was able to find for me Arcee from Transformers: Animated. She's abit hard to find.
^ TF: Animated Arcee.
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