I was involved in a meeting where there was an intense disagreement involving CMC processes and SQA. The disagreement remains unresolved, as it will require my supervisor's experience and opinion to reach a conclusion, and maybe a couple of managers too.
Anyways, it made my afternoon more fun and exciting.
Bought a fresh bottle of 2010 Maple Syrup from Farmboy. Now I just need to make some pancakes to pour it on.
^ 2010 Maple Syrup.
Useless Ghost Story:
(I have nothing else to talk about today, and this is a story I recently heard and had to share.)
In an apartment building, there lived a family of 4. A young couple with an 8 yr old daughter and 5 yr old son. One day the little boy mysteriously died, and the family mourned.
A year later, and on the anniversary of the young boy's death; the remaining family was eating dinner when they heard the dead boy's voice cry out, "Sister...". 3 days later the boy's sister died.
Another year passes, and on the anniversary of the young boy's death; the young couple heard the dead son's voice cry out again, "Mother...". 3 days later, the mother died.
Another year later, on the anniversary of the boy's death; the man knew what was coming and was freaking out. That evening he heard his dead son cry out, "Father...". The man prepared the best he could, knowing he would be joining his family soon. 3 days later, the next door neighbour died.
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