^ Pink Lemonade.
Useless Softball News:
CMC Strike Fighters got slaughtered today. I think we lost 47-7 to Junkyard Dogs. Every bounce went their way, and our fielding was horrible.
I dropped an easy pop-up and missed a play at the plate, but I did go 3 for 3 with 3 singles and 2 RBIs.
Tomorrow we play a rained out game vs Hellcats. I hope we do better as it could be a tough game.
BTW Marc: James can play for us on Thursday.
Lunch today -> T&T Vietnamese Sub.
This sub was really stuff full of meat and pickles!

^ T&T Vietnamese Sub.
Dinner today -> Stew
Finished making my 2 Day Stew today. Farmboy was out of soup bones, so there's no delicious bone marrow in this batch of stew :(. Still the stew was really tasty and the meat was very tender.
^ Stew on Rice.
Useless Idol News:
Oshima Yuko's iPhone App and Maeda Atsuko's iPhone App are on sale right now for $3.99 each. I discovered that Yuko's videos are subbed in english too! But Maeda's aren't.
HLJ has a sale on Bandai toys. Look what I found on clearance. I'm really tempted to order it... maybe this weekend.
Got a package in the mail today. As usual, AKB48 stuff.
- Itano Tomomi 2nd Single + Bonus Photo
- Not Yet 2nd Single + Bonus Photo
^ AKB Stuff.
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