^ Morning Musume in Kimagure Princess outfits.
"Kimagure Princess" translates to "Fickle Princess". The single will be used as the ending theme song for a TV show in Japan called "The Gyakuryuu Researchers" (don't know what this show is about, likely a drama or comedy). This single will also be Kusumi Koharu last with Morning Musume, as she graduates from the group in December.
I usually like most of Morning Musume's songs, but this one... I totally dislike it. It just doesn't work for me at all. Probably because parts of the song sounds like chipmunks, and Takahashi Ai is using a "diva" voice for some parts instead of her normal pleasant singing voice. Could also be because I'm comparing this single to AKB48's RIVER single, which I think is an awesome song :)
The Good: Outfits look cool, all Kamei Eri parts, some Takahashi Ai parts, and the chorus is ok.
The Bad: Everything else.
and The Ugly: Chipmunk voices.
This single was released with 4 different versions. Even though I don't like the song much, I pre-ordered all 4 verisons since I'm a collector by nature, I have a completest attitude, and I'm a Morning Musume wota.
Limited Edition A: Single + Dance Shot DVD
Limited Edition B: Single + Close-up DVD
Limited Edition C: Single + 10 different CD covers
Normal Edition D: Single
This week's episode of AKBingo! if people are interested (I also updated the link to last week's episode if people are looking for it). The 1st part is another AKVegas segment with an obstacle course, similar to last week's (some funny parts). 2nd part is 2 of the girls cooking a surprise breakfast for a random fan (not that interesting unless you know some japanese), followed by a short RIVER performance.