^ Beef Stew with rice (stewing beef-hip, soup bones, carrots, red potatoes, onions)
Saturday was "AKB48 Sports Festival 2009". It's similar to what Hello! Project used to do with their Sports Festivals for Morning Musume, Berryz Koubou, C-ute, and other H!P idols.
Today it was Team A (captained by Takamina) vs Team K (captained by Yuko) vs Team B (captained by Cindy), competing against each other in various events (ie team relay, penalty kicks, 50m sprints, sumo, etc). Select fans were also allowed to help the teams during some events (not sure how they were chosen). They also held mini-concerts at the beginning and midway points of the festival.
Today's festival is the last AKB48 event before these teams are broken up and re-shuffled into new Team A, Team K, and Team B.

^ In the end, Team K won. YES!

^ Oshima Yuko was declared MVP of the festival.
(pics from Yuko's blog)
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