Hung out with Julie on Saturday. We walked around alot shopping, getting food, and then watched some Psych episodes. When I got home and unwrapped my bandage on my toe, I found that my big toe nail fell off! I guess all the walking finally loosened it off. It wasn't bleeding or anything, and a new nail was forming.
Big Toe Nail Fell Off. |
I might keep the toe nail and make it into a keychain as a reminder :)
Food this weekend ->
I tried out some Falafels from Farmboy.
Falafels. |
I heated it up as per the instructions and dipped it in the Tahini dip. It was OK, but I probably won't buy it again. Are Falafels supposed to soft or crispy? These were soft, and as I was eating them, I was thinking that these would be good if they were deep fried and crunchy.
Alot of Falafels. |
Went to Swiss Pastries at Carlingwood Mall Saturday night. I got a strawberry whip cake to split with Julie and Roger for dessert. Usually this cake is very good, but this one wasn't. The cake was dry with grainy bits in it. I was really disappointed with it.
Not-so-good Strawberry Whip Cake. |
Useless Gaming News:
We played 2 more months of Pandemic Legacy on Friday night with Brian, Gordon, and Ben. We won but we lost a powerful character. This game is great with so many unknowns happening!
Pandemic Legacy. |
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