Alot of gaming was held this long weekend. Some boardgames and Magic, but I forgot to take pics of the boardgames and only remembered for 2 Magic games :(

^ 4 Player Magic.
Gavin says to point out the "50% less salt" chips. They were good.
This weekend was also Amie and Houston's Baby Shower. As usual with our family, there was aton of food.

^ Appetizers.
(Shrimps, cheese, prosciutto rolled in cheese, crackers, smoked salmon, eggrolls, pot stickers, chinese pastries, probably more stuff I can't remember)

^ Main Courses.
(atleast 8 BBQ ducks, tofu, chicken, chow mein, singapore noodles, roast beef, fish, oyster mushrooms, veggies, shrimps with head on, and more. )

^ Desserts.
(cakes, watermelon, and fruits)
I ate lunch and dinner there, and then took alot of food home too. There was so much food there.
The kids and I drew some 3D Art with chalk. If you have some Crayola 3D Polarized Glasses, or some other kind of polarized glasses, you can see these pics in 3D:

^ 3D Bike (Pink pops out) by Fongpay and 3D Face (Blue pops out).

^ 3D Squares and 3D X-Men Shield.
Food this weekend ->Other stuff I ate this weekend.

^ Steaks with Veggies and Rice.

^ Fresh Corn.
Ben, Jane, Susanna, and I also went to another auction this Sunday in Kanata.
This one was held by "Giant Auctions", an auction company I haven't been to before.
The auctioneer this time was awful. He was slow, dragged out item bidding by begging for bids, and made lame jokes and inappropriate comments.
It was suppose to be "no reserve", but the auctioneer wouldn't take just "any" bids and selectively heard bids.
Anyways, we won a few items and I got a projector alarm clock:

^ Projector Alarm Clock.
I got it for $10, but I don't think the projector works :(
They had some mini-bikes there and they only went for $200 each! I kind of wanted one, but where would I ride it?

^ Mini-Bike.