Went for a 2.5hr DimSum marathon on Saturday with Mallory, Stefano, Mallory's friend Grace, and some of her friends.
It was Mallory's 1st experience with DimSum. To christen this occasion, I made her eat some BBQ Chicken Feet :) She didn't like it, lol. When all the chicken feet was eaten, I found out that Grace had never tried chicken feet before either! Next time...
When I wasn't looking, Stefano ordered a dish with cold
Duck Tongue in it. (Bad Stefano. Bad *smack him in the head*) I ate 1, but kept thinking it was tongue while I was eating it.
(I should have saved one for Steve. I'm sure he would like it.)(No pics of the DimSum. Forgot)
There was some 5 Pin Bowling action with the CMC Strike Fighters members on Saturday night. Wait, it wasn't just normal bowling, but Cosmic Bowling :) If I had known before hand, I would have worn more white clothes.

^ Stefano on bended knee, Jeno hoping to make the split shot.

^ Marc's spin shot, and Mallory's power shot.
The classic 80/90's music was blasting in the background during the bowling fun. But after 3 games, I had a headache from it. I must be getting old (x_X)
Food this weekend ->

^ 2 Versions of Steak and Veggies.

^ Grapefruit and Naval Orange.
Pink Grapefruits were on sale at FarmBoy 12 for $3. Naval oranges were on sale too.
Woke up Sunday morning with a fever and headache. I made a big pot of
congee to eat all day. I put sliced
Chinese mushrooms, cubed
BBQ pork, cubed
perserved eggs, chopped
green onions, and abit of shredded chicken breast. It was really, really good. I might make more on Monday.

^ Congee.
Useless Idol News:A Twitter post by Shinoda Mariko said she was doing promotions at the Horse Track over the weekend. This all seemed normal as she's done this before..., until my Twitter's "Japanese to English" translation said she was there to help sell 'Horse Soup'!

^ Horse Soup?!?
I probably wouldn't mind trying it. Maybe it's good?
Gavin/Emi, does that banner really say horse soup?
Useless Transformers News:Opened up TF:United Jazz and Tracks.

^ TF:United Jazz and Tracks.
Both are pretty cool and look like their G1 counterparts.
Jazz came the a Bio Card, but Tracks didn't. Is this normal? Gordon?