Food this long weekend ->
Went to
Bai Du for lunch on Friday with Julie. It was lots of fun and we stuffed ourselves with alot of short ribs, sushi, and tempura. I completely forgot to take pics of the short ribs sizzling on the grill.
I learned how to make rice pilaf by watching Chef Micheal Smith on TV this weekend. It's really simple and only takes 15 minutes. My 1st batch was
curry rice pilaf with smoked mussels.
Curry Rice Pilaf with Smoked Mussels. |
Next batch was also curry rice pilaf but with diced shitake mushrooms and a steak side.
Curry and Mushroom Rice Pilaf with Steak. |
Useless Movie News:
After lunch on Friday, Julie and I ran some errands and then checked out the LEGO Movie :) This movie is fun, entertaining, and awesome. Lots of funny jokes and stuff happens that is completely unexpected. Did I mention it's awesome? I recommend it :) It's also got a catchy theme song, "Everything is Awesome". It'll get stuck in your head. During the ending credits, they play "Everything is Awesome (Awesome Remixxx)", and there is no extra clip after the credits.
Awesome LEGO Movie. |
BTW: Before the movie, Julie got a
Large sized theatre drink. It was huge! And she drank the whole thing too.
Large Theatre Drink. |
Useless Transformers News:
Walmart is selling deluxe Beast Hunters Transformers for $5 this week. I stopped collecting this line, but I picked up Prowl anyways.
Beast Hunter Prowl. |
Useless Gaming News:
4 of us played a new game called "
The Agents". Brian KickStarted it. I like this game alot. It's fun and simple yet with alot of strategy. The goal is to collect 40 IP points by playing Agents and Missions into your 2 shared factions. Depending on how an agent is played, it either gives you IP points or gives you an ability. Whatever you decide, the shared player in the faction gets what you don't choose. IPs are used to buy more agents or missions too. I recommend this game.
The Agents. |
Next we played "Alien Frontiers" with the
Factions expansion. This game took forever (3hrs). Other than the time, its a good game that utilized dice rolling and worker placement in a unique way. It got annoying near the end when Brian started giving up again when he said he was stuck at 2nd place. I think he was upset that I kept blocking him from controlling the extra 7th dice (I had control and was using it most of the game). Brian really spoiled the mood of the game, but we played on with him acting like that. In the end, it was a 3-way-tie and Brain won because of tie breaker rules. I think I could have won if I had stolen his victory point, but I didn't because he had already given up.
Long Game of Alien Frontiers. |