Dinner today -> Curry
Made some curry with the last of my marinated rib fingers, red potatoes, baby carrots, red onion, and king oyster mushrooms. For the curry sauce, I used a mild curry roux from Osaka.

^ Curry with Rice.
The leftovers will to taste even better tomorrow, when the curry flavour really soaks in.
Useless TV News:Rogers Channel 829, Japan TV (aka NHK) is free until Nov 21.
If you select "Spanish" as the audio language, some shows and news programs (usually morning news) are dubbed in English.
I recommend watching:
- "Kitchen Car comes to Town" on Thursday night (but I don't think it's on this week due to a sumo tournament? But the food made on this show is awesome!)
- "Music Japan" on Friday at 4:30pm and hosted by Perfume,
- "Tokyo Eye" on Saturday at 1:50pm,
- "Music Station" on Saturday night at 1:10am (repeated Sunday at 7:10pm),
- "Begin Japanology" on Sunday at 1:50pm and hosted by Peter Barakan.
- "Cool Japan" on Sunday night (again not on this week due to sumo.)
FYI: On this week's airing of Music Station (repeat of Oct 28), AKB48 will be a guest performing Iiwake Maybe (short version) and Kaze wa Fuiteiru. I think Perfume was also a guest on this episode too.
Speaking of AKB48, today was my
oshimen's, Kasai Tomomi's, Birthday!

^ Kasai Tomomi.