Sunday, December 10, 2017

Weekend Report -> Stomach Bug

Food this weekend ->
Went to the grand opening of the Kanata Noodle House 2 on Friday with Ed, Steve, and Peter.  We started with Vietnamese wraps that we shared: Chicken, Pork and Shrimp.
Tasty Chicken, Pork, and Shrimp Wraps.
For my meal I got Pho #15 Medium.  It was just as good as KNH1.  This is going to be great as KNH2 is 5 minutes from work :)
Pho #15 Medium.

Friday night, I ate a polish dog from Costco and then some Triscuits.  One of these gave me the worst stomach ache/stomach issues for most of the Saturday.  (I'm leaning towards the Triscuits, as I can't even look at the box without feeling like vomiting.)  I was supposed to go shopping at the Christmas Craftshow and go see Thor with Julie in the afternoon, but there was no way I was leaving the vicinity of a toilet.  The only thing I was able to get down on Saturday was 1 can of ginger ale and half a glass of orange juice.

Sunday, I was feeling somewhat better but I was sore because of all the flexing I had to do to prevent my stomach from aching.  I did end up going to the Christmas Craft show in the morning, but I didn't try to eat any samples there.  I bought some Carmichael's meats for myself, Ed, and Steve.
Carmichael's Pepperoni
I made eggs and toast to try and eat something before Walking Dead mid-season finally, but I was only able to eat half of this plate before my stomach said, "No More!".
Only ate Half.

Useless Gaming News:
4 Player gaming at Brian's Friday night.  We played a few quick rounds of Between Two Cities.  Excellent starter game that is pretty fun.
We then finished another Time Stories mission.  We finished the Expedition expansion.  It started off really good, but it wasn't that good towards the middle and end.  We found it fairly easy, but was also made good rolls so none of us went insane.  I can see it was a good attempt at trying something new, but it didn't work for us.