Happy Chinese New Year's Eve!
^ Prayer Setup.
My mom made New Year's dinner. I was starving. I didn't wake up until 2:30pm on Sunday (see why below) and didn't eat anything until New Year's dinner.

^ Chinese New Year's Dinner.
Ben, Susanna, and I went back home for prayers at midnight. We burned a special incense that reveals a fortune as it burns. Ours approximately says "safety for the family". We also ate a vegetarian meal.

^ Midnight Prayers and Incense
Other food this weekend ->
^ Pasta with Hotdogs.

^ Egg Bagels with Buttered Veggies.
Useless Idol News:AKB48 held their annual "Request Hour Setlist Best 100" over 4 days this weekend.
On Day 3, "RIVER" placed at #54 from #14 last year.
My 4 votes went to "Candy", and it finished at #32, dropping from #15.

^ #32 "Candy".
Day 4 was streamed live on Google+ and Youtube. It started at 4am on Sunday. I stayed up playing Skyrim until 3:10am, took a 30min nap, and then got up to watch Day 4. I watched in on my computer and my iPhone (so I can take screen shots). I wasn't sure if the stream would work on my iPhone, but it did.

^ Screenshot.
It opened with "Ponytail to Shushu" at #25! (from #3). Way lower than I thought it would be.
^ #25 "Ponytail to Shushu".
"Beginner" finished at #18.

^ Beginner.
"Bird" climbed back up to #13 from #29 :)
^ #13 "Bird".
#4 was "Flying Get" which I thought would have been either #1 or #2.

^ #4 "Flying Get".
#3 went to SDN48 with "Kodoku na Runner". Fans voted them in since all the members will graduate and disband in March.
#2 went to "Everyday Kachuusha".
For the 2nd year in a row, #1 was Oshima Yuko's election song "Heavy Rotation".
^ #1 "Heavy Rotation".
For the Encore, they showed a video of some of the girls learning to play music instruments for the first time. I think only Yuko (bass guitar) and Sasshi (trombone) have experience with their instruments. This was for preparation for their next single "GIVE ME FIVE", where they form a band called "Baby Blossom".
After the video, they played the instruments live for the encore. It sounded OK, but may get better if they practice more.
^ Encore "GIVE ME FIVE".