Useless Softball News:CMC Strike Fighters lost both playoff games on Saturday and were eliminated. We lost big against "I'd Hit That", 23-7. They're a strong team that normally gives us trouble this season and in the past. Thing is we can beat the teams that beat them. Go figure.
We then went on to lose to "Hellcats" in the 2nd game, whom we did not expect to meet. They are the best team in C division. I can't believe they lost their other games against weaker teams, to face us in the losers bracket. We lost 13-8 in 5 innings. The umpire ended the game at 5 innings for some reason, eventhough there was no game immediately after ours.

^ Ahmed's 1st Homer.
The ump was drunk during our game too. What I was told, he had drank 8 beers
before our 2pm game and then he had 4 more during our game. He was saying he was thirsty all the time and said he only had a couple of beers.
During the 4th inning, while I was catching, he kept asking me "what inning it was?", and "which team was home?" I must have told him we were in playing the top of the 4th inning and CMC was the home team 6 or 7 times, LOL.
Food this weekend ->

^ Walmart Snow Crab Legs.
The Walmart brand is a really good buy for Crab Legs.
Went to Rideau for a family dinner:

^ Fish Maw Soup, Sweet & Sour Fish, Beef and Greens, and 1/2 Chicken.

^ Fried Tofu Balls, Satay Pork, Schezwan Beef.
We had Moon Cake for dessert:

8 Yolk Moon Cake from T&T.
Useless Gaming News:Ben invited himself and myself for dinner at Jeff & Linda's new house. Linda made spaghetti and I brought Beef with Chinese Greens (I forgot to take a pick of the food). Their new house is really nice and big! Backyard is huge too.
I played with Everett and Katelyn until we got into some serious gaming. We taught Jeff and Linda how to play Pandemic. I think we played 4 game on easy: won 3 and lost 1.
The loss was 1 turn away from a win. We had some bad luck and 7 ourbreaks triggered and chained on the last 3 turns. We ran out of blue cubes because of the outbreaks. Awesome game.

^ Close Win and Big Loss.