Food this weekend ->
Took Thursday and Friday off to use up some vacation days. Ate a bunch of fruit (very good green grapes are on sale at FarmBoy this week), cheese, wraps, junk food and sandwiches. They only thing I really cooked was a steak on Friday night. While cooking the steak I boiled some garlic chives and straw mushrooms. When the steak was done, I finished the chives and mushrooms in the pan with the steak drippings.
Steak with Garlic Chives and Straw Mushrooms. |
Useless Food News:
Hung out with Julie on Thursday. We went shopping at Costco, Ren's Pet Shop, the House of Cheese, and IKEA. I had gotten some IKEA chocolate rabbits last week with Susanna, but Julie and I wanted to get a couple more. We looked and asked at IKEA, but they were all sold out already! The staff didn't know if they were getting more, but he didn't think so.
IKEA Chocolate Rabbit. |
They are so cool. You build them like IKEA furniture!
Useless Gaming News:
4-player gaming at Brian's on Saturday night. We played Tokyo Highway, Bob Ross, Cave Paintings, and Sixes.
We introduce Gordon to Tokyo Highway. It's a neat game, but I think it lacks something to make it more fun.
4 Highways. |
The funnest game we played was
Cave Paintings. I need to get a copy. The object is each player has to draw 6 pictures in 60 seconds with the marker held in a fist. Then the picture is passed to the right player to guess each drawing. After all guesses are done, the guesses are revealed and the correct answers give points to the guesser and drawer. Great fun drawing game, and 60 seconds is not alot of time to draw 6 pictures.