Today at CMC, I decided to do a "Random Lunch Inspection". Lets see what is on the menu today...

^Andrew's lunch. He started eating before 11:30am, so another carrot and some almonds are missing. Looks like a healthy, fibre heavy lunch.
Fongpay Rating: 1.5 Stars. Lacks non-healthy stuff and meat. (Lunch Hint: next time throw a cookie in there to recover some points)

^Steve's lunch. There's good looking chicken-salad sandwich made with chicken, cucumber, celery, mayo, and
apples! Flanked by healthy side-dishes too.
Fongpay Rating: 2 Stars. Average lunch. Lost points for apples in the sandwich.

^Stefano's lunch. The famous
Lettuce Sandwich is on display here. Also on display are the default tunafish and apple.
Fongpay Rating: 2.5 Stars. Nothing special, just the default normal lunch. Don't think its enough food for Stefano though.
(Lunch hint: This lunch can be seen any weekday, at CMC, for the next 100 years ^_^)

^Marc's lunch. Pasta in tomato sauce. From the freezer to the lunch table.
Fongpay Rating: 3 Stars. Looks good. Lacks meat, but large quantity.

^Jim's lunch. Nice big lunch with lots of good variety. Me liking the wings, strawberries, and brownies.
Fongpay Rating: 4.5 Stars. A top notch lunch.

^Fongpay's lunch. Some egg-white noodles, sliced MTL spiced steak, and honey-garlic BBQ ribs. All made by Iron Chef Fongpay.
Fongpay Rating: N/A since it's my blog it wouldn't be fair. (But if forced to, I'd give it 4.5 Stars. Lost points for the navel orange because it was sour.)
Note: Due to today's "Lunch & Learn" at CMC, some lunch members were missing. I'll get them on my next "Random Lunch Inspection".