Food this weekend ->
Lunch of Friday was stuffed peppers from Farmboy. They are pretty good. I also got a box of fresh mini oatmeal raisin cookies. I usually don't like raisins in cookies, but these cookies were still warm the raisins were still soft.
Cookies and Stuffed Peppers. |
Made lamb chops on Saturday. They were on sale on Basics.
Lamb Chops. |
I also steamed some corn from Walmart in my pressure cooker. The corn was OK. Not very sweet.
Steamed Corn. |
Made a big pot of red congee on Sunday. I made it the ground pork, shitake mushrooms, preserved duck eggs, green onions, some eggs, and Korean red pepper paste. Hot congee on a hot day! I was dripping sweat when I was done eating a couple bowls.
Red Congee. |
Useless Food News:
Mark and Jes picked me up a new ice cream made out of oats. There is no milk in it, but it is very smooth and creamy. I had the chocolate peanut butter flavour and it is awesome! I had to force myself to stop, as it is so good. It's made by a local Ottawa company called
Oat & Mill and they sell the ice cream online and at the Carp Farmer's Market. BUT it's expensive. Even at $10 a pint, I'm still tempted to order some other flavours.
Oat & Mill Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream. |
Useless Gaming News:
Got Let Them Eat Shrimp in the mail on Friday.
Let Them Eat Shrimp. |
4-Player gaming Friday night at Brian's. We started with King Down. It's a prequel to chess and up to 4 players. Neat game, but some pieces/cards are broken. Needs more rules clarification. We played a bunch of variations of Pairs afterwards.
King Down. |
Useless Transformers News:
Found Transformers: Combiner Wars Ultra Magnus on Friday at Walmart. I had just ordered the Japanese version Thursday night because I wasn't sure if I would have found it in stores. The Japanese version comes with Alpha Trion too.
Ultra Magnus. |
Ben and I got an Optimus Prime onesie for Nathan.
Optimus Prime Onesie. |
Useless M:tG News:
Got my SDCC exclusive Magic Planeswalker set. I comes in a nice cardboard box with a briefcase like handle.
SDCC Planeswalkers Box. |
Opening it up, it included a hardcover book and a foldout card display of the 5 planeswalkers. Very nice set.
SDCC Planeswalkers Cards and Book. |
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