Did everyone get alot of Trick or Treaters? This year I decided that I can't be bothered to wait at the door for a couple hours. I thought to myself, "Why waste my time". So at 6pm, I left about 130+ pieces of candy in a box on the front porch with a note saying "Please take 2 pieces". It's the same as me handing it out, as once the candy is gone, it's gone and it's over. This way I can waste my time watching TV and playing Batman :) (and no doorbell rings)
^ Please Take 2 Pieces.
I just hope kids are truly honest these days, but I have a feeling they aren't :(
Useless CMC News:
Halloween at CMC this year was smaller than normal. Still there were some of us who dressed up.
I was a dead soldier. I wanted to go as Green Lantern, but I waited too long to get a Green Lantern shirt and all Walmart had left was medium sized ones.
^ 3 Star General Fongpay with Throat Cut.
Other notable costumes:
^ K-Lowe as Shake, and Witch & Medusa.
^ MIB and Discoman
^ Ghoul & Reaper.
The Ghoul and the Reaper where the best costumes.
It's too bad that Steve didn't dress up. I thought for sure he was going to dress up as one of the AKB48 girls ;)
Dinner today -> Oden Ver 2.
Took the small amount of leftover oden and added: red potatoes, noodle knots, white mushrooms, straw mushrooms, fish cake rolls, fried crab balls, and more quail eggs. It's stick to your bones good :)
^ Oden Ver 2.