Tuesday, December 15, 2009

4 Desserts: Which is Jill's?

I got a sampler box of treats today from Andrew (I wonder if it's a bribe for my vote...). It has 4 types of home-made desserts from Jill and 3 of her co-workers. I'm going to pick out my favorite and guess which one is Jill's creation.
In no particular order, here are the desserts:

^ Dessert A (left) & Dessert B (right).

^ Dessert C (left) & Dessert D (right).

They were all tasty, but I'm liking "A" the best. The large peanuts and chocolate brownie combo is great. It has a crunch and a light chewyness to it.
But which one is Jill's... hmm... I think "D" is the one Jill made. This is my reasoning:
"C" has decorations on it, which I don't think is Jill's style.
"B" has a whole Hershey kiss inside it and I don't think Jill would feed Ace that much chocolate in 1 shot... I think?
So it comes down to "A" and "D", but judging purely based on Andrew's super healthy lunch, "D" looks is more healthy than "A", therefore it must be "D".
Everything I reasoned above is all BS, but am I right? Stay tuned for the answer after these commercial messages...

~Wreckgar doing chicken dance~ "I feel like chicken tonight..., like chicken tonight, like chicken tonight..."

We're back. So the answer to "Which is the dessert Jill made is..."? (I don't know til Wednesday)

Next episode: "Bribes"..*cough* I mean "gifts" from Steve and Sandra. ^_^

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