^ Chicken with Creamy White Wine Mushroom Sauce + Rice.
^ Dessert: Sweet Naval Orange and Grapefruit.
I took my parent's old BBQ last year, and was planning on restoring it this year for my use. When I opened it up today to see what parts I need to buy, I decided I should just buy a new BBQ. It's way to far rusted to be worth fixing, and I think it would be cheaper to just by a new BBQ than to buy new parts.
^ Rusty BBQ.
Anyone know of any good BBQ sales coming up?
Useless Transformers News:
Picked up my Bumblebee Bank at Comic Book Shop today. It will be on display at my desk, at CMC, if people want to see it.
While your at my desk, feel free to drop money into Bumblebee and see what happens :) All donations will go towards the "Fongpay Foundation for Fongpay's Breakfast Tea".
^ Bumblebee Bank.
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